Source code for desiutil.bitmask

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Mask bits for the spectro pipeline.

Individual packages will define their own mask bits and use this as a utility
access wrapper.  Typical users will get their bitmasks pre-made from those
packages, not from here.

Stephen Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Fall 2015


desispec_ could create a ccdmask like this:

>>> from desiutil.bitmask import BitMask
>>> import yaml
>>> _bitdefs = yaml.safe_load('''
... ccdmask:
...     - [BAD,       0, "Pre-determined bad pixel (any reason)"]
...     - [HOT,       1, "Hot pixel"]
...     - [DEAD,      2, "Dead pixel"]
...     - [SATURATED, 3, "Saturated pixel from object"]
...     - [COSMIC,    4, "Cosmic ray"]
... ''')
>>> ccdmask = BitMask('ccdmask', _bitdefs)

Users would then access this mask with:

>>> from desispec.bitmasks import ccdmask
>>> ccdmask.COSMIC | ccdmask.SATURATED  #- 2**4 + 2**3
>>> ccdmask.mask('COSMIC')     # 2**4, same as ccdmask.COSMIC
>>> ccdmask.mask(4)            # 2**4, same as ccdmask.COSMIC
>>> ccdmask.COSMIC             # 2**4, same as ccdmask.mask('COSMIC')
>>> ccdmask.bitnum('COSMIC')
>>> ccdmask.bitname(4)
>>> ccdmask.names()
>>> ccdmask.names(3)
['BAD', 'HOT']
>>> ccdmask.comment(0)
'Pre-determined bad pixel (any reason)'
>>> ccdmask.comment('COSMIC')
'Cosmic ray'

.. _desispec:

[docs]class _MaskBit(int): """A single mask bit. Subclasses :class:`int` to act like an :class:`int`, but allows the ability to extend with, blat.comment, blat.mask, blat.bitnum. Attributes ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the bit. bitnum : :class:`int` The number of the bit. The value of the bit is ``2**bitnum``. mask : :class:`int` The value of the bit, ``2**bitnum``. comment : :class:`str` A comment explaining the meaning of the bit. """ def __new__(cls, name, bitnum, comment, extra=dict()): self = super(_MaskBit, cls).__new__(cls, 2**bitnum) = name self.bitnum = bitnum self.mask = 2**bitnum self.comment = comment self._extra = extra for key, value in extra.items(): if hasattr(self, key): raise AttributeError( "Bit {0} extra key '{1}' is already in use by int objects.".format(name, key)) self.__dict__[key] = value return self def __str__(self): return ('{} bit {0.bitnum} mask 0x{0.mask:X} - ' + '{0.comment}').format(self)
# def __repr__(self): # return "_MaskBit(name='{}', bitnum={0.bitnum:d}, comment='{0.comment}')".format(self) # Class to provide mask bit utility functions
[docs]class BitMask(object): """BitMask object to represent bit names, masks, and comments. Typical users are not expected to create BitMask objects directly; other packages like desispec and desitarget will have used this to pre-create the bitmasks for them using definition files in those packages. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of this mask, must be key in `bitdefs`. bitdefs : :class:`dict` Dictionary of different mask bit definitions; each value is a list of ``[bitname, bitnum, comment]``. A 4th entry is optional, which must be a dictionary. """ def __init__(self, name, bitdefs): """Init. """ self._bits = dict() self._name = name for x in bitdefs[name]: bitname, bitnum, comment = x[0:3] if len(x) == 4: extra = x[3] if not isinstance(extra, dict): raise ValueError( '{} extra values should be a dict'.format(bitname)) else: extra = dict() self._bits[bitname] = _MaskBit(bitname, bitnum, comment, extra) self._bits[bitnum] = self._bits[bitname] def __getitem__(self, bitname): """Return mask for individual bitname. """ return self._bits[bitname]
[docs] def bitnum(self, bitname): """Return bit number (int) for this `bitname` (string). Parameters ---------- bitname : :class:`str` The bit name. Returns ------- :class:`int` The bit value. """ return self._bits[bitname].bitnum
[docs] def bitname(self, bitnum): """Return bit name (string) for this `bitnum` (integer). Parameters ---------- bitnum : :class:`int` The number of the bit. Returns ------- :class:`str` The name of the bit. """ return self._bits[bitnum].name
[docs] def comment(self, bitname_or_num): """Return comment for this bit name or bit number. Parameters ---------- bitname_or_num : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Name of number of the mask. Returns ------- :class:`str` The comment string. """ return self._bits[bitname_or_num].comment
[docs] def mask(self, name_or_num): """Return mask value. Parameters ---------- name_or_num : :class:`int` or :class:`str` Name of number of the mask. Returns ------- :class:`int` The value of the mask. Examples -------- >>> bitmask.mask(3) # 2**3 8 >>> bitmask.mask('BLAT') >>> bitmask.mask('BLAT|FOO') """ if isinstance(name_or_num, int): return self._bits[name_or_num].mask else: mask = 0 for name in name_or_num.split('|'): mask |= self._bits[name].mask return mask
[docs] def names(self, mask=None): """Return list of names of masked bits. Parameters ---------- mask : :class:`int`, optional The mask integer to convert to names. If not supplied, return names of all known bits. Returns ------- :class:`list` The list of names contained in the mask. """ names = list() if mask is None: # return names in sorted order of bitnum bitnums = [x for x in self._bits.keys() if isinstance(x, int)] for bitnum in sorted(bitnums): names.append(self._bits[bitnum].name) else: mask = int(mask) # workaround numpy issue #2955 for uint64 bitnum = 0 while 2**bitnum <= mask: if (2**bitnum & mask): if bitnum in self._bits.keys(): names.append(self._bits[bitnum].name) else: names.append('UNKNOWN' + str(bitnum)) bitnum += 1 return names
def __getattr__(self, name): """Enable ``mask.BITNAME`` equivalent to ``mask['BITNAME']``. """ if name in self._bits: return self._bits[name] else: raise AttributeError('Unknown mask bit name ' + name) def __repr__(self): '''Return yaml representation defining the bits of this bitmask. ''' result = list() result.append(self._name + ':') # return names in sorted order of bitnum bitnums = [x for x in self._bits.keys() if isinstance(x, int)] for bitnum in sorted(bitnums): bit = self._bits[bitnum] # format the line for single bit, with or without extra keys line = ' - [{:16s} {:2d}, "{}"'.format(',', bit.bitnum, bit.comment) if len(bit._extra) > 0: line = line + ', '+str(bit._extra)+']' else: line = line + ']' result.append(line) return "\n".join(result)