Source code for desiutil.brick

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Code for calculating bricks, which are a tiling of the sky with the following

- bricks form rows in dec like a brick wall; edges are constant RA or dec
- they are rectangular with longest edge shorter or equal to bricksize
- circles at the poles with diameter=bricksize
- there are an even number of bricks per row

Use this with caution!  In most cases you should be propagating brick
info from input targeting, not recalculating brick locations and names.

Note that this code was originally in desispec_, so earlier commit information
is in the desispec_ repository.
import numpy as np

[docs]class Bricks(object): """The Bricks object describes bricks of a certain size. Parameters ---------- bricksize : :class:`float`, optional Brick size in degrees. Default 0.25 degrees. """ def __init__(self, bricksize=0.25): # Brick row centers and edges center_dec = np.arange(-90.0, +90.0+bricksize/2, bricksize) # clip the north pole to +90 center_dec[-1] = min(90., center_dec[-1]) edges_dec = np.arange(-90.0-bricksize/2, +90.0+bricksize, bricksize) # poles edges_dec[0] = -90. edges_dec[-1] = 90. nrow = len(center_dec) # How many columns per row: even number, no bigger than bricksize ncol_per_row = np.zeros(nrow, dtype=int) for i in range(nrow): # The widest part of the brick is at the Dec closest to # the equator. max(0, ...) handles a row that spans the # Dec=0 equator. declo = max(0, np.abs(center_dec[i]) - bricksize/2) n = (360/bricksize * np.cos(np.deg2rad(declo))) ncol_per_row[i] = int(np.ceil(n/2)*2) # special cases at the poles ncol_per_row[0] = 1 if center_dec[-1] == 90.: ncol_per_row[-1] = 1 # ra center_ra = list() edges_ra = list() for i in range(nrow): edges = np.linspace(0, 360, ncol_per_row[i]+1) edges_ra.append(edges) center_ra.append(0.5*(edges[0:-1] + edges[1:])) # dra = edges[1]-edges[0] # center_ra.append(dra/2 + np.arange(ncol_per_row[i])*dra) # More special cases at the poles edges_ra[0] = np.array([0, 360]) center_ra[0] = np.array([180, ]) if center_dec[-1] == 90.: edges_ra[-1] = np.array([0, 360]) center_ra[-1] = np.array([180, ]) # Brick names [row, col] brickname = list() # ADM brick areas [row, col] brickarea = list() for i in range(nrow): # # This hack allows numbers like 39.599999999999994 to be # converted into 0396. # pm = 'p' if center_dec[i] >= 0 else 'm' dec = "{0:06.0f}".format(np.absolute(center_dec[i])*10000) names = list() for j in range(ncol_per_row[i]): ra = "{0:07.0f}".format(center_ra[i][j]*10000) names.append(ra[0:4]+pm+dec[0:3]) brickname.append(names) # ADM integrate area factors between Dec edges and RA edges in degrees decfac = np.diff(np.degrees(np.sin(np.radians(edges_dec[i:i+2])))) rafac = np.diff(edges_ra[i]) brickarea.append(list(rafac*decfac)) self._bricksize = bricksize self._ncol_per_row = ncol_per_row self._brickname = brickname self._brickarea = brickarea self._center_dec = center_dec self._edges_dec = edges_dec self._center_ra = center_ra self._edges_ra = edges_ra self._brick_table = None def __repr__(self): return "Bricks(bricksize={0._bricksize:4.2f})".format(self) @property def bricksize(self): """Size of a brick in degrees. """ return self._bricksize
[docs] def _array_radec(self, ra, dec): """Convert (`ra`, `dec`) to arrays and clean up the data. """ adec = np.atleast_1d(dec) ara = np.atleast_1d(ra) % 360 return ara, adec
[docs] def _row_col(self, ra, dec): """Determine the brick row and column, given `ra`, `dec`. """ row = ((dec+90.0+self._bricksize/2)/self._bricksize).astype(int) row = np.clip(row, 0, len(self._ncol_per_row)-1) return (row, (ra/360.0 * self._ncol_per_row[row]).astype(int))
[docs] def brickname(self, ra, dec): """Return brick name of brick covering (`ra`, `dec`). Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of strings containing the names. """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) names = np.empty(len(ara), dtype='U8') for thisrow in set(irow): these = np.where(thisrow == irow)[0] names[these] = np.array(self._brickname[thisrow])[icol[these]] if np.isscalar(ra): return names[0] return names
[docs] def brickid(self, ra, dec): """Return the BRICKID for a given location. Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The legacysurvey BRICKID at the locations of interest. """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) # ADM the total number of BRICKIDs at the START of a given row ncolsum = np.cumsum(np.append(0, self._ncol_per_row)) # ADM the BRICKID is just the sum of the number of columns up until # ADM the row of interest, and the number of columns along that row # ADM accounting for the indexes of the columns starting at 0 brickid = ncolsum[irow] + icol + 1 if np.isscalar(ra): return brickid[0] return brickid
[docs] def brickq(self, ra, dec): """Return the BRICKQ for a given location. Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The legacysurvey BRICKQ at the locations of interest. """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) brickq = (icol % 2) + (irow % 2)*2 brickq[irow == 0] = 1 if np.isscalar(ra): return brickq[0] return brickq
[docs] def brickarea(self, ra, dec): """Return the area of the brick for a given location. Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The areas of the bricks at the locations of interest. """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) # ADM the list of areas to return areas = np.empty(len(ara), dtype='<f4') # ADM grab the areas from the class for row in set(irow): cols = np.where(row == irow) areas[cols] = np.array(self._brickarea[row])[icol[cols]] if np.isscalar(ra): return areas[0] return areas
[docs] def brickvertices(self, ra, dec): """Return the vertices in RA/Dec of the brick that given locations lie in Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The 4 vertices of the bricks at the locations of interest (an array with 4 columns of (RA, Dec) and ``len(ra)`` rows). Notes ----- The vertices are ordered counter-clockwise from the minimum (RA, Dec). """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) # ADM grab the edges from the class ramin, ramax = np.array([self._edges_ra[row][col:col+2] for row, col in zip(irow, icol)]).T decmin, decmax = self._edges_dec[irow], self._edges_dec[irow+1] vertices = np.reshape(np.vstack([ramin, decmin, ramax, decmin, ramax, decmax, ramin, decmax]).T, (len(ara), 4, 2)) # ADM return the vertex array with one less dimension if a scalar was passed if np.isscalar(ra): return vertices[0] return vertices
[docs] def brick_radec(self, ra, dec): """Return center (ra,dec) of brick that contains input (`ra`, `dec`) [deg] Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The centers of the bricks at the locations of interest. """ ara, adec = self._array_radec(ra, dec) irow, icol = self._row_col(ara, adec) if np.isscalar(ra): xra = self._center_ra[irow[0]][icol] xdec = self._center_dec[irow] else: xra = np.array([self._center_ra[i][j] for i, j in zip(irow, icol)]) xdec = self._center_dec[irow] return xra, xdec
[docs] def brick_tan_wcs_size(self): """Compute required angular size needed for WCS transformation. Returns the minimum required angular size (pixel scale x number of pixels) for a TAN WCS tiling on these brick centers, so that RA1, RA2, DEC1, DEC2 land within the tile. Returns ------- :class:`float` The angular size in degrees. """ from astropy.wcs import WCS minx = 0 maxx = 0 miny = 0 maxy = 0 for ras, dec1, dec2, ra, dec in zip(self._edges_ra, self._edges_dec, self._edges_dec[1:], self._center_ra, self._center_dec): # We take the first column in each row (tiles in a row are all the same size) ra1, ra2 = ras[0], ras[1] ra = ra[0] # Create mock WCS with 1" pixels. cd = 1./3600. w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] w.wcs.crpix = [1., 1.] w.wcs.crval = [ra, dec] = [[-cd, 0.], [0., cd]] x, y = w.wcs_world2pix([ra1, ra, ra2, ra2, ra2, ra, ra1, ra1], [dec1, dec1, dec1, dec, dec2, dec2, dec2, dec], 0) # We could simplify this by taking abs() values earlier minx = min(minx, int(np.floor(min(x)))) miny = min(miny, int(np.floor(min(y)))) maxx = max(maxx, int(np.ceil(max(x)))) maxy = max(maxy, int(np.ceil(max(y)))) mx = max(maxx, maxy, abs(minx), abs(miny)) return 2. * mx * cd
[docs] def to_table(self): """Convert :class:`~desiutil.brick.Bricks` object into a :class:`~astropy.table.Table`. Returns ------- :class:`astropy.table.Table` A table containing the brick data. """ if self._brick_table is None: from astropy.table import Table dtype = [('BRICKNAME', 'U8'), ('BRICKID', 'i4'), ('BRICKQ', 'i2'), ('BRICKROW', 'i4'), ('BRICKCOL', 'i4'), ('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('RA1', 'f8'), ('RA2', 'f8'), ('DEC1', 'f8'), ('DEC2', 'f8'), ('AREA', 'f8')] brick_dict = dict([(n[0], list()) for n in dtype]) brick_id = 0 for row in range(len(self._center_dec)): for col in range(len(self._center_ra[row])): brick_id += 1 brick_dict['BRICKNAME'].append(self._brickname[row][col]) brick_dict['BRICKID'].append(brick_id) if row == 0: q = 1 else: q = (col % 2) + (row % 2)*2 brick_dict['BRICKQ'].append(q) brick_dict['BRICKROW'].append(row) brick_dict['BRICKCOL'].append(col) brick_dict['RA'].append(self._center_ra[row][col]) brick_dict['DEC'].append(self._center_dec[row]) brick_dict['RA1'].append(self._edges_ra[row][col]) brick_dict['DEC1'].append(self._edges_dec[row]) brick_dict['RA2'].append(self._edges_ra[row][col+1]) brick_dict['DEC2'].append(self._edges_dec[row+1]) brick_dict['AREA'].append(self._brickarea[row][col]) brick_data = np.zeros((brick_id,), dtype=dtype) for n in dtype: brick_data[n[0]] = brick_dict[n[0]] self._brick_table = Table(brick_data, meta={'bricksize': self._bricksize}) for n in ('RA', 'DEC', 'RA1', 'RA2', 'DEC1', 'DEC2'): self._brick_table[n].unit = 'deg' return self._brick_table
_bricks = None
[docs]def brickname(ra, dec, bricksize=0.25): """Return brick name of brick covering (`ra`, `dec`). Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees. dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees. bricksize : :class:`float`, optional Brick size in degrees. Default 0.25 degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of strings containing the names. Notes ----- This function is a convenience wrapper on :meth:`desiutil.brick.Bricks.brickname`. It will cache the brick computation to speed up repeated calls. """ global _bricks if _bricks is None or _bricks.bricksize != bricksize: _bricks = Bricks(bricksize=bricksize) return _bricks.brickname(ra, dec)