Source code for desiutil.funcfits

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module for fitting simple functions to 1D arrays

J. Xavier Prochaska, UC Santa Cruz
Fall 2015
import numpy as np
import copy
import warnings

[docs]def func_fit(x, y, func, deg, xmin=None, xmax=None, w=None, **kwargs): """Simple function fit to 2 arrays. Modified code originally from Ryan Cooke (PYPIT). Parameters ---------- x : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Independent data values. y : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Dependent data to fit. func : :class:`str` Name of the fitting function: polynomial, legendre, chebyshev. deg : :class:`int` or :class:`dict` Order of the fit. xmin : :class:`float`, optional Minimum value in the array (or the left limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). xmax : :class:`float`, optional Maximum value in the array (or the left limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). w : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights to be used in the fitting (weights = 1/sigma). Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary describing the Fit including the coefficients. """ # Normalize if xmin is None or xmax is None: if x.size == 1: xmin, xmax = -1.0, 1.0 else: xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max() xv = 2.0 * (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) - 1.0 # Fit fitters = {'polynomial': np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit, 'legendre': np.polynomial.legendre.legfit, 'chebyshev': np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebfit} try: fit = fitters[func](xv, y, deg, w=w) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Fitting function '{0:s}' is not implemented yet.".format(func)) # Finish fit_dict = dict(coeff=fit, order=deg, func=func, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, **kwargs) return fit_dict
[docs]def func_val(x, fit_dict): """Get values from a fit_dict. Modified code originally from Ryan Cooke (PYPIT). Parameters ---------- x : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Evaluate the fit at these coordinates. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array containing the values. """ xv = 2.0 * (x-fit_dict['xmin'])/(fit_dict['xmax']-fit_dict['xmin']) - 1.0 values = {'polynomial': np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval, 'legendre': np.polynomial.legendre.legval, 'chebyshev': np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval} try: val = values[fit_dict['func']](xv, fit_dict['coeff']) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Fitting function '{0:s}' is not implemented yet.".format(fit_dict['func'])) return val
[docs]def iter_fit(xarray, yarray, func, order, weights=None, sigma=None, max_rej=None, maxone=True, sig_rej=3.0, initialmask=None, forceimask=False, xmin=None, xmax=None, niter=999, **kwargs): """A "robust" fit with iterative rejection is performed to the `xarray`, `yarray` pairs. Modified code originally from Ryan Cooke (PYPIT). Parameters ---------- xarray : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Independent variable values. yarray : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Dependent variable values. func : :class:`str` Name of the fitting function: polynomial, legendre, chebyshev. order : :class:`int` The order of the function to be used in the fitting. sigma : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Error in the yvalues. Used only for rejection. weights : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Weights to be used in the fitting (weights = 1/sigma). maxone : :class:`bool`, optional [True] If ``True``, only the most deviant point in a given iteration will be removed. sig_rej : :class:`float`, optional [3.0] Confidence interval for rejection. max_rej : :class:`int`, optional [None] Maximum number of points to reject. initialmask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A mask can be supplied as input, these values will be masked for the first iteration. 1 = value masked. forceimask : :class:`bool`, optional [False] If ``True``, the initialmask will be forced for all iterations. niter : :class:`int`, optional [999] Maximum number of iterations. xmin : :class:`float` Minimum value in the array (or the left limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). xmax : :class:`float` Maximum value in the array (or the right limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). Returns ------- :func:`tuple` The tuple contains a dict containing the fit and a mask array containing masked values. """ # Setup the initial mask if initialmask is None: mask = np.zeros(xarray.size, dtype=np.int32) if forceimask: warnings.warn("Initial mask cannot be enforced -- no initital mask supplied") forceimask = False else: mask = initialmask.copy() # Avoid zero or negative weights if weights is not None: mask[weights <= 0.] = 1 mskcnt = np.sum(mask) imskcnt = copy.copy(mskcnt) # Iterate, and mask out new values on each iteration iiter = 0 while True: iiter += 1 if iiter > niter: warnings.warn("Reached maximum number of iterations") break # Mask w = np.where(mask == 0) xfit = xarray[w] yfit = yarray[w] if weights is not None: wfit = weights[w] else: wfit = None # Fit dfit = func_fit(xfit, yfit, func, order, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=wfit, **kwargs) yrng = func_val(xarray, dfit) # Reject sigmed = 1.4826*np.median(np.abs(yfit-yrng[w])) # Check number of parameters if xarray.size-np.sum(mask) <= order+2: warnings.warn("More parameters than data points - fit might be undesirable") break # More data was masked than allowed by order if maxone: # Only remove the most deviant point if sigma is not None: tst = np.abs(yarray[w]-yrng[w])/sigma[w] m = np.argmax(tst) if tst[m] > sig_rej: mask[w[0][m]] = 1 else: tst = np.abs(yarray[w]-yrng[w]) m = np.argmax(tst) if tst[m] > sig_rej*sigmed: mask[w[0][m]] = 1 else: if forceimask: if sigma is not None: w = np.where((np.abs(yarray-yrng) > sig_rej*sigma) | (initialmask == 1)) else: w = np.where((np.abs(yarray-yrng) > sig_rej*sigmed) | (initialmask == 1)) else: if sigma is not None: w = np.where(np.abs(yarray-yrng) > sig_rej*sigma) else: w = np.where(np.abs(yarray-yrng) > sig_rej*sigmed) mask[w] = 1 if mskcnt == np.sum(mask): break # No new values have been included in the mask if max_rej is not None: if mskcnt-imskcnt > max_rej: break mskcnt = np.sum(mask) # Final fit w = np.where(mask == 0) xfit = xarray[w] yfit = yarray[w] fdict = func_fit(xfit, yfit, func, order, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, **kwargs) return fdict, mask
[docs]def mk_fit_dict(coeff, order, func, xmin=None, xmax=None, **kwargs): """Generate a dict that is formatted for using func_val. Parameters ---------- coeff : array Coefficients of the fit order : :class:`int` The order of the function to be used in the fitting. func : :class:`str` Name of the fitting function: polynomial, legendre, chebyshev. xmin : :class:`float` Minimum value in the array (or the left limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). xmax : :class:`float` Maximum value in the array (or the right limit for a legendre/chebyshev polynomial). Returns ------- :class:`dict` The formatted dictionary. """ # Finish fit_dict = dict(coeff=coeff, order=order, func=func, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, **kwargs) return fit_dict