Source code for desiutil.log

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

DESI-specific utility functions that wrap the standard :mod:`logging`

This module is intended to support three different logging use patterns:

1. Just get an easy-to-use, pre-configured logging object.
2. Easily change the log level temporarily within a function.  This is
   provided by a context manager.
3. Change the default log level on the command-line.  This can actually be
   accomplished in two ways: the command-line interpreter can call
   :func:`~desiutil.log.get_logger` with the appropriate level, or
   the environment variable :envvar:`DESI_LOGLEVEL` can be set.

In addition, it is possible to add timestamps and change the delimiter of
log messages as needed.  See the optional arguments to


Simplest possible use:

>>> from desiutil.log import log
>>>'This is some information.')

This is exactly equivalent to:

>>> from desiutil.log import get_logger
>>> log = get_logger()
>>>'This is some information.')

Temporarily change the log level with a context manager:

>>> from desiutil.log import get_logger, DesiLogContext, DEBUG
>>> log = get_logger()  # defaults to INFO
>>>'This is some information.')
>>> log.debug("This won't be logged.")
>>> with DesiLogContext(log, DEBUG):
...     log.debug("This will be logged.")
>>> log.debug("This won't be logged.")

Create the logger with a different log level:

>>> from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
>>> if options.debug:
...     log = get_logger(DEBUG)
>>> else:
...     log = get_logger()

import os
import sys
import logging
from warnings import warn

_desiutil_log_root = dict()
_good_levels = {'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
                'INFO': logging.INFO,
                'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
                'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
                'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
                logging.DEBUG: logging.DEBUG,
                logging.INFO: logging.INFO,
                logging.WARNING: logging.WARNING,
                logging.ERROR: logging.ERROR,
                logging.CRITICAL: logging.CRITICAL,
_level_children = {logging.DEBUG: 'debug',
                   logging.INFO: 'info',
                   logging.WARNING: 'warning',
                   logging.ERROR: 'error',
                   logging.CRITICAL: 'critical',

# Just for convenience to avoid importing logging, we duplicate the logging levels
# Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
# Confirmation that things are working as expected.
INFO = logging.INFO
# An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem
# in the near future (e.g. "disk space low"). The software is still working as expected.
# Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function.
ERROR = logging.ERROR
# A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running.

# see example of usage in test/

[docs]class DesiLogWarning(UserWarning): """Warnings related to misconfiguration of the DESI logging object. """ pass
[docs]class DesiLogContext(object): """Provides a context manager to temporarily change the log level of an existing logging object. Parameters ---------- logger : :class:`logging.Logger` Logging object. level : :class:`int`, optional The logging level to set. If it is not set, this whole class does nothing. """ def __init__(self, logger, level=None): # , handler=None, close=True): self.logger = logger self.level = level # self.handler = handler # self.close = close def __enter__(self): if self.level is None: warn("This context manager will not actually do anything!", DesiLogWarning) else: self.old_level = self.logger.level self.logger.setLevel(self.level) # if self.handler: # self.logger.addHandler(self.handler) def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): if self.level is not None: self.logger.setLevel(self.old_level)
# if self.handler: # self.logger.removeHandler(self.handler) # if self.handler and self.close: # self.handler.close()
[docs]def _configure_root_logger(timestamp=False, delimiter=':'): """Configure a root logger. Parameters ---------- timestamp : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, add a timestamp to the log message. delimiter : :class:`str`, optional Use `delimiter` to separate fields in the log message (default ``:``). Returns ------- :class:`str` The name of the root logger, suitable for input to :func:`logging.getLogger`. """ root_name = "desiutil.log.dlm" + ''.join(map(str, map(ord, delimiter))) if timestamp: root_name += 'timestamp' if root_name not in _desiutil_log_root: ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fmtfields = ['%(levelname)s', '%(filename)s', '%(lineno)s', '%(funcName)s'] if timestamp: fmtfields.append('%(asctime)s') fmtfields.append(' %(message)s') formatter = logging.Formatter(delimiter.join(fmtfields), datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') ch.setFormatter(formatter) _desiutil_log_root[root_name] = logging.getLogger(root_name) _desiutil_log_root[root_name].addHandler(ch) _desiutil_log_root[root_name].setLevel(logging.INFO) return root_name
[docs]def get_logger(level=None, timestamp=False, delimiter=':'): """Returns a default DESI logger. Parameters ---------- level : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Set the logging level (default ``INFO``). timestamp : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, add a timestamp to the log message. delimiter : :class:`str`, optional Use `delimiter` to separate fields in the log messages (default ``:``). Returns ------- :class:`logging.Logger` A logging object configured with the DESI defaults. Notes ----- * If `level` is not ``None``, that sets the log level, overriding anything else. * If `level` is not set, and if the environment variable :envvar:`DESI_LOGLEVEL` exists and has value DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL (upper or lower case), that is used to set the log level. * If :envvar:`DESI_LOGLEVEL` is not set and `level` is ``None``, the default level is set to INFO. """ root_name = _configure_root_logger(timestamp=timestamp, delimiter=delimiter) if level is None: try: ul = os.environ["DESI_LOGLEVEL"].upper() except KeyError: ul = logging.INFO else: try: ul = level.upper() except AttributeError: # level should be an integer in this case. ul = level try: gl = _good_levels[ul] except KeyError: message = "Invalid level='{0}' ignored. Setting INFO.".format(str(ul)) warn(message, DesiLogWarning) gl = logging.INFO log = logging.getLogger(root_name + '.' + _level_children[gl]) log.setLevel(gl) return log
log = get_logger()