Source code for desiutil.plots

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module for code plots.
import os
import warnings
from datetime import date
from types import MethodType
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, colorConverter
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, HeliocentricTrueEcliptic, ICRS, Longitude
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.utils import iers
from .iers import freeze_iers

[docs]def plot_slices(x, y, x_lo, x_hi, y_cut, num_slices=5, min_count=100, axis=None, set_ylim_from_stats=True, scatter=True): """Scatter plot with 68, 95 percentiles superimposed in slices. Modified from code written by D. Kirkby Requires that the matplotlib package is installed. Parameters ---------- x : array of :class:`float` X-coordinates to scatter plot. Points outside [x_lo, x_hi] are not displayed. y : array of :class:`float` Y-coordinates to scatter plot. Y values are assumed to be roughly symmetric about zero. x_lo : :class:`float` Minimum value of `x` to plot. x_hi : :class:`float` Maximum value of `x` to plot. y_cut : :class:`float` The target maximum value of :math:`|y|`. A dashed line at this value is added to the plot, and the vertical axis is clipped at :math:`|y|` = 1.25 * `y_cut` (but values outside this range are included in the percentile statistics). num_slices : :class:`int`, optional Number of equally spaced slices to divide the interval [x_lo, x_hi] into. min_count : :class:`int`, optional Do not use slices with fewer points for superimposed percentile statistics. axis : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Uses the current axis if this is not set. set_ylim_from_stats : :class:`bool`, optional Set ylim of plot from 95% stat. scatter : bool, optional Show the data as a scatter plot. Best to limit to small datasets Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The Axes object used in the plot. """ if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() x_bins = np.linspace(x_lo, x_hi, num_slices + 1) x_i = np.digitize(x, x_bins) - 1 limits = [] counts = [] for s in range(num_slices): # Calculate percentile statistics for ok fits. y_slice = y[(x_i == s)] counts.append(len(y_slice)) if counts[-1] > 0: limits.append(np.percentile(y_slice, (2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5))) else: limits.append((0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)) limits = np.array(limits) counts = np.array(counts) # Plot points if scatter: axis.scatter(x, y, s=15, marker='.', lw=0, color='b', alpha=0.5, zorder=1) # Plot quantiles in slices with enough fits. stepify = lambda y: np.vstack([y, y]).transpose().flatten() y_m2 = stepify(limits[:, 0]) y_m1 = stepify(limits[:, 1]) y_med = stepify(limits[:, 2]) y_p1 = stepify(limits[:, 3]) y_p2 = stepify(limits[:, 4]) xstack = stepify(x_bins)[1:-1] max_yr, max_p2, min_m2 = 0., -1e9, 1e9 for i in range(num_slices): s = slice(2 * i, 2 * i + 2) if counts[i] >= min_count: axis.fill_between( xstack[s], y_m2[s], y_p2[s], alpha=0.15, color='red', zorder=10) axis.fill_between( xstack[s], y_m1[s], y_p1[s], alpha=0.25, color='red', zorder=10) axis.plot(xstack[s], y_med[s], 'r-', lw=2.) # For ylim max_yr = max(max_yr, np.max(y_p2[s]-y_m2[s])) max_p2 = max(max_p2, np.max(y_p2[s])) min_m2 = min(min_m2, np.min(y_m2[s])) # xlim xmin, xmax = np.min(x), np.max(x) axis.set_xlim(np.min(x)-(xmax-xmin)*0.02, np.max(x)+(xmax-xmin)*0.02) # ylim if set_ylim_from_stats: axis.set_ylim(min_m2-max_yr/2., max_p2+max_yr/2.) # Plot cut lines. axis.axhline(+y_cut, ls=':', color='k') axis.axhline(0., ls='-', color='k') axis.axhline(-y_cut, ls=':', color='k') return axis
[docs]class MaskedArrayWithLimits( """Masked array with additional `vmin`, `vmax` attributes. This class accepts the same arguments as :class:``. This is not a general-purpose subclass and is only intended to simplify passing `vmin`, `vmax` limits from :func:`~desiutil.plots.prepare_data` to the plotting utility methods defined in this module. Parameters ---------- vmin : :class:`float`, optional Minimum value when used for clipping or masking. vmax : :class:`float`, optional Maximum value when used for clipping or masking. Attributes ---------- vmin : :class:`float` Minimum value when used for clipping or masking. vmax : :class:`float` Maximum value when used for clipping or masking. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: obj = super(MaskedArrayWithLimits, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # Numpy >= 1.20.0 trimmed_kwargs = kwargs.copy() if 'vmin' in trimmed_kwargs: del trimmed_kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in trimmed_kwargs: del trimmed_kwargs['vmax'] obj = super(MaskedArrayWithLimits, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **trimmed_kwargs) if 'vmin' in kwargs: obj._optinfo['vmin'] = kwargs['vmin'] # obj.vmin = kwargs['vmin'] # else: # obj.vmin = None if 'vmax' in kwargs: obj._optinfo['vmax'] = kwargs['vmax'] # obj.vmax = kwargs['vmax'] # else: # obj.vmax = None return obj @property def vmin(self): return self._optinfo.get('vmin', None) @property def vmax(self): return self._optinfo.get('vmax', None)
[docs]def prepare_data(data, mask=None, clip_lo=None, clip_hi=None, save_limits=False): """Prepare array data for color mapping. Data is clipped and masked to be suitable for passing to matplotlib routines that automatically assign colors based on input values. Parameters ---------- data : array or masked array Array of data values to assign colors for. mask : array of bool or None Array of bools with same shape as data, where True values indicate values that should be ignored when assigning colors. When None, the mask of a masked array will be used or all values of an unmasked array will be used. clip_lo : float or str Data values below clip_lo will be clipped to the minimum color. If clip_lo is a string, it should end with "%" and specify a percentile of un-masked data to clip below. clip_hi : float or str Data values above clip_hi will be clipped to the maximum color. If clip_hi is a string, it should end with "%" and specify a percentile of un-masked data to clip above. save_limits : bool Save the calculated lo/hi clip values as attributes vmin, vmax of the returned masked array. Use this flag to indicate that plotting functions should use these vmin, vmax values when mapping the returned data to colors. Returns ------- masked array Masked numpy array with the same shape as the input data, with any input mask applied (or copied from an input masked array) and values clipped to [clip_lo, clip_hi]. Examples -------- If no optional parameters are specified, the input data is returned with only non-finite values masked: >>> data = np.arange(5.) >>> prepare_data(data) masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0], mask = [False False False False False], fill_value = 1e+20) <BLANKLINE> Any mask selection is propagated to the output: >>> prepare_data(data, data == 2) masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- 3.0 4.0], mask = [False False True False False], fill_value = 1e+20) <BLANKLINE> Values can be clipped by specifying any combination of percentiles (specified as strings ending with "%") and numeric values: >>> prepare_data(data, clip_lo='25%', clip_hi=3.5) masked_array(data = [1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.5], mask = [False False False False False], fill_value = 1e+20) <BLANKLINE> Clipped values are also masked when the clip value or percentile is prefixed with "!": >>> prepare_data(data, clip_lo='!25%', clip_hi=3.5) masked_array(data = [-- 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.5], mask = [ True False False False False], fill_value = 1e+20) <BLANKLINE> An input masked array is passed through without any copying unless clipping is requested: >>> masked = >>> masked is prepare_data(masked) True Use the save_limits option to store the clipping limits as vmin, vmax attributes of the returned object: >>> d = prepare_data(data, clip_lo=1, clip_hi=10, save_limits=True) >>> d.vmin, d.vmax (1.0, 10.0) These attributes can then be used by plotting routines to fix the input range used for colormapping, independently of the actual range of data. """ data = np.asanyarray(data) if mask is None: try: # Use the mask associated with a MaskedArray. cmask = data.mask # If no clipping is requested, pass the input through. if clip_lo is None and clip_hi is None: return data except AttributeError: # Nothing is masked by default. cmask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) else: # # Make every effort to ensure that modifying the mask of the output # does not modify the input mask. # cmask = np.array(mask) if cmask.shape != data.shape: raise ValueError('Invalid mask shape.') # Mask any non-finite values. cmask |= ~np.isfinite(data) unmasked_data = data[~cmask] # Convert percentile clip values to absolute values. def get_clip(value): clip_mask = False if isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith('!'): clip_mask = True value = value[1:] if value.endswith('%'): value = np.percentile(unmasked_data, float(value[:-1])) return float(value), clip_mask if clip_lo is None: clip_lo, mask_lo = np.min(unmasked_data), False else: clip_lo, mask_lo = get_clip(clip_lo) if clip_hi is None: clip_hi, mask_hi = np.max(unmasked_data), False else: clip_hi, mask_hi = get_clip(clip_hi) if save_limits: clipped = MaskedArrayWithLimits( np.clip(data, clip_lo, clip_hi), cmask, vmin=clip_lo, vmax=clip_hi) else: clipped = np.clip(data, clip_lo, clip_hi), cmask) # Mask values outside the clip range, if requested. The comparisons # below might trigger warnings for non-finite data. settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') if mask_lo: clipped.mask[data < clip_lo] = True if mask_hi: clipped.mask[data > clip_hi] = True np.seterr(**settings) return clipped
[docs]def init_sky(projection='mollweide', ra_center=120, galactic_plane_color='red', ecliptic_plane_color='red', ax=None): """Initialize matplotlib axes with a projection of the full sky. Parameters ---------- projection : :class:`str`, optional Projection to use. Defaults to 'mollweide'. To show the available projections, call :func:`matplotlib.projections.get_projection_names`. ra_center : :class:`float`, optional Projection is centered at this RA in degrees. Default is +120°, which avoids splitting the DESI northern and southern regions. galactic_plane_color : color name, optional Draw a solid curve representing the galactic plane using the specified color, or do nothing when ``None``. ecliptic_plane_color : color name, optional Draw a dotted curve representing the ecliptic plane using the specified color, or do nothing when ``None``. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes to use for drawing this map, or create new axes if ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` A matplotlib Axes object. Helper methods ``projection_ra()`` and ``projection_dec()`` are added to the object to facilitate conversion to projection coordinates. Notes ----- If requested, the ecliptic and galactic planes are plotted with ``zorder`` set to 20. This keeps them above most other plotted objects, but legends should be set to a ``zorder`` higher than this value, for example:: leg = ax.legend(ncol=2, loc=1) leg.set_zorder(25) """ # # Internal functions. # def projection_ra(self, ra): r"""Shift `ra` to the origin of the Axes object and convert to radians. Parameters ---------- ra : array-like Right Ascension in degrees. Returns ------- array-like `ra` converted to plot coordinates. Notes ----- In matplotlib, map projections expect longitude (RA), latitude (Dec) in radians with limits :math:`[-\pi, \pi]`, :math:`[-\pi/2, \pi/2]`, respectively. """ # # Shift RA values. # r = np.remainder(ra + 360 - ra_center, 360) # # Scale conversion to [-180, 180]. # r[r > 180] -= 360 # # Reverse the scale: East to the left. # r = -r return np.radians(r) def projection_dec(self, dec): """Shift `dec` to the origin of the Axes object and convert to radians. Parameters ---------- dec : array-like Declination in degrees. Returns ------- array-like `dec` converted to plot coordinates. """ return np.radians(dec) # # Create ax. # if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.0, 5.0), dpi=100) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=projection) # # Prepare labels. # base_tick_labels = np.array([150, 120, 90, 60, 30, 0, 330, 300, 270, 240, 210]) base_tick_labels = np.remainder(base_tick_labels+360+ra_center, 360) tick_labels = np.array(['{0}°'.format(l) for l in base_tick_labels]) # # Galactic plane. # if galactic_plane_color is not None: galactic_l = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000) galactic = SkyCoord(l=galactic_l*u.radian, b=np.zeros_like(galactic_l)*u.radian, frame='galactic').transform_to(ICRS) # # Project to map coordinates and display. Use a scatter plot to # avoid wrap-around complications. # paths = ax.scatter(projection_ra(0,, projection_dec(0,, marker='.', s=20, lw=0, alpha=0.75, c=galactic_plane_color, zorder=20) # Make sure the galactic plane stays above other displayed objects. # paths.set_zorder(20) # # Ecliptic plane. # if ecliptic_plane_color is not None: ecliptic_l = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 50) ecliptic = SkyCoord(lon=ecliptic_l*u.radian, lat=np.zeros_like(ecliptic_l)*u.radian, distance=1 * u.Mpc, frame='heliocentrictrueecliptic').transform_to(ICRS) # # Project to map coordinates and display. Use a scatter plot to # avoid wrap-around complications. # paths = ax.scatter(projection_ra(0,, projection_dec(0,, marker='.', s=20, lw=0, alpha=0.75, c=ecliptic_plane_color, zorder=20) # paths.set_zorder(20) # # Set RA labels. # labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for l, item in enumerate(labels): item.set_text(tick_labels[l]) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # # Set axis labels. # ax.set_xlabel('R.A. [deg]') # ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(12) ax.set_ylabel('Dec. [deg]') # ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(12) ax.grid(True) # # Attach helper methods. # if hasattr(ax, '_ra_center'): warnings.warn("Attribute '_ra_center' detected. Will be overwritten!") ax._ra_center = ra_center if hasattr(ax, 'projection_ra'): warnings.warn("Attribute 'projection_ra' detected. Will be overwritten!") ax.projection_ra = MethodType(projection_ra, ax) if hasattr(ax, 'projection_dec'): warnings.warn("Attribute 'projection_dec' detected. Will be overwritten!") ax.projection_dec = MethodType(projection_dec, ax) return ax
[docs]def plot_healpix_map(data, nest=False, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, label=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot a healpix map using an all-sky projection. Pass the data array through :func:`prepare_data` to select a subset to plot and clip the color map to specified values or percentiles. This function is similar to :func:`plot_grid_map` but is generally slower at high resolution and has less elegant handling of pixels that wrap around in RA, which are not drawn. Requires that matplotlib and healpy are installed. Additional keyword parameters will be passed to :func:`init_sky`. Parameters ---------- data : array or masked array 1D array of data associated with each healpix. Must have a size that exactly matches the number of pixels for some NSIDE value. Use the output of :func:`prepare_data` as a convenient way to specify data cuts and color map clipping. nest : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, assume NESTED pixel ordering. Otheriwse, assume RING pixel ordering. cmap : colormap name or object, optional Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors. colorbar : :class:`bool`, optional Draw a colorbar below the map when ``True``. label : :class:`str`, optional Label to display under the colorbar. Ignored unless colorbar is ``True``. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes to use for drawing this map, or create default axes using :func:`init_sky` when ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axis object used for the plot. """ import healpy as hp data = prepare_data(data) if len(data.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Invalid data array, should be 1D.') nside = hp.npix2nside(len(data)) # # Create axes. # if ax is None: ax = init_sky(**kwargs) proj_edge = ax._ra_center - 180 # # Find the projection edge. # while proj_edge < 0: proj_edge += 360 # # Get pixel boundaries as quadrilaterals. # corners = hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(len(data)), step=1, nest=nest) corner_theta, corner_phi = hp.vec2ang(corners.transpose(0, 2, 1)) corner_ra, corner_dec = (np.degrees(corner_phi), np.degrees(np.pi/2-corner_theta)) # # Convert sky coords to map coords. # x, y = ax.projection_ra(corner_ra), ax.projection_dec(corner_dec) # # Regroup into pixel corners. # verts = np.array([x.reshape(-1, 4), y.reshape(-1, 4)]).transpose(1, 2, 0) # # Find and mask any pixels that wrap around in RA. # uv_verts = np.array([corner_phi.reshape(-1, 4), corner_theta.reshape(-1, 4)]).transpose(1, 2, 0) theta_edge = np.unique(uv_verts[:, :, 1]) phi_edge = np.radians(proj_edge) eps = 0.1 * np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(nside)) wrapped1 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta_edge, phi_edge - eps, nest=nest) wrapped2 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta_edge, phi_edge + eps, nest=nest) wrapped = np.unique(np.hstack((wrapped1, wrapped2))) data.mask[wrapped] = True # # Normalize the data using its vmin, vmax attributes, if present. # try: norm = Normalize(vmin=data.vmin, vmax=data.vmax) except AttributeError: norm = None # # Make the collection and add it to the plot. # collection = PolyCollection(verts, array=data, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, edgecolors='none') ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() if colorbar: bar = plt.colorbar(collection, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', spacing='proportional', pad=0.11, fraction=0.05, aspect=50) if label: bar.set_label(label) return ax
[docs]def plot_grid_map(data, ra_edges, dec_edges, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, label=None, ax=None, **kwargs): r"""Plot an array of 2D values using an all-sky projection. Pass the data array through :func:`prepare_data` to select a subset to plot and clip the color map to specified values or percentiles. This function is similar to :func:`plot_healpix_map` but is generally faster and has better handling of RA wrap around artifacts. Additional keyword parameters will be passed to :func:`init_sky`. Parameters ---------- data : array or masked array 2D array of data associated with each grid cell, with shape :math:`(N_{\mathrm{RA}}, N_{\mathrm{Dec}})`. Use the output of :func:`prepare_data` as a convenient way to specify data cuts and color map clipping. ra_edges : array 1D array of :math:`N_{\mathrm{RA}} + 1` RA grid edge values in degrees, which must span the full circle, *i.e.*, ``ra_edges[0] == ra_edges[-1] - 360``. The RA grid does not need to match the edges of the projection, in which case any wrap-around cells will be duplicated on both edges. dec_edges : array 1D array of :math:`N_{\mathrm{Dec}} + 1` Dec grid edge values in degrees. Values are not required to span the full range ``[-90, +90]``. cmap : colormap name or object, optional Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors. colorbar : :class:`bool`, optional Draw a colorbar below the map when ``True``. label : :class:`str`, optional Label to display under the colorbar. Ignored unless colorbar is ``True``. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes to use for drawing this map, or create default axes using :func:`init_sky` when ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axis object used for the plot. """ data = prepare_data(data) if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected 2D data array.') n_dec, n_ra = data.shape # # Normalize the data using its vmin, vmax attributes, if present. # Need to do this before hstack-ing below, which drops vmin, vmax. # try: norm = Normalize(vmin=data.vmin, vmax=data.vmax) except AttributeError: norm = None # # Silently flatten, sort, and remove duplicates from the edges arrays. # ra_edges = np.unique(ra_edges) dec_edges = np.unique(dec_edges) if len(ra_edges) != n_ra + 1: raise ValueError('Invalid ra_edges.') if len(dec_edges) != n_dec + 1: raise ValueError('Invalid dec_edges.') if ra_edges[0] != ra_edges[-1] - 360: raise ValueError('Invalid ra_edges, do not span 360 degrees.') # # Create axes. # if ax is None: ax = init_sky(**kwargs) # # Find the projection edge. # proj_edge = ax._ra_center - 180 while proj_edge < 0: proj_edge += 360 # # Find the first RA gridline that fits within the map's right edge. # first = np.where(ra_edges >= proj_edge)[0][0] if first > 0: # Wrap the data beyond the left edge around to the right edge. # Remember to use for the data to preserve the mask. if ra_edges[first] > proj_edge: # Split a wrap-around column into separate left and right columns. ra_edges = np.hstack(([proj_edge], ra_edges[first:], ra_edges[1:first] + 360, [proj_edge+360])) data =[:, (first - 1):first], data[:, first:], data[:, :(first - 1)], data[:, (first - 1):first])) else: # One of the ra_edge values is exactly on the edge. ra_edges = np.hstack((ra_edges[first:], ra_edges[:(first + 1)] + 360)) data =[:, first:], data[:, :(first + 1)])) # Transform to projection coordinates. By construction, the first value should be positive. proj_ra = ax.projection_ra(ra_edges) if proj_ra[0] < 0: proj_ra[0] *= -1 # Build a 2D array of grid line intersections. grid_ra, grid_dec = np.meshgrid(proj_ra, ax.projection_dec(dec_edges)) ax.grid(False) mesh = ax.pcolormesh(grid_ra, grid_dec, data, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, edgecolor='none', lw=0) # grid turned off for pcolormesh; turn it back on. ax.grid(True) if colorbar: bar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', spacing='proportional', pad=0.1, fraction=0.05, aspect=50) if label: bar.set_label(label) return ax
[docs]def plot_sky_circles(ra_center, dec_center, field_of_view=3.2, data=None, cmap='viridis', facecolors='skyblue', edgecolor='none', colorbar=True, colorbar_ticks=None, label=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot circles on an all-sky projection. Pass the optional data array through :func:`prepare_data` to select a subset to plot and clip the color map to specified values or percentiles. Requires that matplotlib is installed. Additional keyword parameters will be passed to :func:`init_sky`. Parameters ---------- ra_center : array 1D array of RA in degrees at the centers of each circle to plot. dec_center : array 1D array of DEC in degrees at the centers of each circle to plot. field_of_view : array Full sky openning angle in degrees of the circles to plot. The default is appropriate for a DESI tile. data : array, optional 1D array of data associated with each circle, used to set its facecolor. cmap : colormap name, optional Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors. Ignored unless data is specified. facecolors : matplotlib color or array of colors, optional Ignored when data is specified. An array must have one entry per circle or a single value is used for all circles. edgecolor : matplotlib color, optional The edge color used for all circles. Use 'none' to hide edges. colorbar : :class:`bool`, optional Draw a colorbar below the map when ``True`` and data is provided. colorbar_ticks : :class:`list`, optional Use the specified colorbar ticks or determine them automatically when None. label : :class:`str` Label to display under the colorbar. Ignored unless a colorbar is displayed. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes to use for drawing this map, or create default axes using :func:`init_sky` when ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axis object used for the plot. """ ra_center = np.asarray(ra_center) dec_center = np.asarray(dec_center) if len(ra_center.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Invalid ra_center, must be a 1D array.') if len(dec_center.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Invalid dec_center, must be a 1D array.') if len(ra_center) != len(dec_center): raise ValueError('Arrays ra_center, dec_center must have same size.') if data is not None: data = prepare_data(data) # Facecolors are determined by the data, when specified. if data.shape != ra_center.shape: raise ValueError('Invalid data shape, must match ra_center.') # Colors associated with masked values in data will be ignored later. try: # Normalize the data using its vmin, vmax attributes, if present. norm = Normalize(vmin=data.vmin, vmax=data.vmax) except AttributeError: # Otherwise use the data limits. norm = Normalize(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max()) cmapper = ScalarMappable(norm, cmap) facecolors = cmapper.to_rgba(data) else: colorbar = False # Try to repeat a single fixed color for all circles. try: facecolors = np.tile( [colorConverter.to_rgba(facecolors)], (len(ra_center), 1)) except ValueError: # Assume that facecolor is already an array. facecolors = np.asarray(facecolors) if len(facecolors) != len(ra_center): raise ValueError('Invalid facecolor array.') if ax is None: ax = init_sky(**kwargs) # # Find the projection edge. # proj_edge = ax._ra_center - 180 while proj_edge < 0: proj_edge += 360 # # Convert field-of-view angle into dRA. # dRA = field_of_view / np.cos(np.radians(dec_center)) # # Identify circles that wrap around the map edges in RA. # edge_dist = np.fabs(np.fmod(ra_center - proj_edge, 360)) wrapped = np.minimum(edge_dist, 360 - edge_dist) < 1.05 * 0.5 * dRA # convert dRA to radius. # # Loop over non-wrapped circles. # for ra, dec, dra, fc in zip(ax.projection_ra(ra_center[~wrapped]), ax.projection_dec(dec_center[~wrapped]), dRA[~wrapped], facecolors[~wrapped]): e = Ellipse((ra, dec), np.radians(dra), np.radians(field_of_view), facecolor=fc, edgecolor=edgecolor) ax.add_patch(e) if colorbar: mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) mappable.set_array(data) bar = plt.colorbar(mappable, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', spacing='proportional', pad=0.1, fraction=0.05, aspect=50, ticks=colorbar_ticks) if label: bar.set_label(label) return ax
[docs]def plot_sky_binned(ra, dec, weights=None, data=None, plot_type='grid', max_bin_area=5, clip_lo=None, clip_hi=None, verbose=False, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, label=None, ax=None, return_grid_data=False, **kwargs): """Show objects on the sky using a binned plot. Bin values either show object counts per unit sky area or, if an array of associated data values is provided, mean data values within each bin. Objects can have associated weights. Requires that matplotlib is installed. When plot_type is "healpix", healpy must also be installed. Additional keyword parameters will be passed to :func:`init_sky`. Parameters ---------- ra : array Array of object RA values in degrees. Must have the same shape as dec and will be flattened if necessary. dec : array Array of object Dec values in degrees. Must have the same shape as ra and will be flattened if necessary. weights : array, optional Optional of weights associated with each object. All objects are assumed to have equal weight when this is None. data : array, optional Optional array of scalar values associated with each object. The resulting plot shows the mean data value per bin when data is specified. Otherwise, the plot shows counts per unit sky area. plot_type : {'grid', 'healpix'} Must be either 'grid' or 'healpix', and selects whether data in binned in healpix or in (sin(Dec), RA). max_bin_area : :class:`float`, optional The bin size will be chosen automatically to be as close as possible to this value but not exceeding it. clip_lo : :class:`float` or :class:`str`, optional Clipping is applied to the plot data calculated as counts / area or the mean data value per bin. See :func:`prepare_data` for details. clip_hi : :class:`float` or :class:`str`, optional Clipping is applied to the plot data calculated as counts / area or the mean data value per bin. See :func:`prepare_data` for details. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional Print information about the automatic bin size calculation. cmap : colormap name or object, optional Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors. colorbar : :class:`bool`, optional Draw a colorbar below the map when True. label : :class:`str`, optional Label to display under the colorbar. Ignored unless colorbar is ``True``. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes to use for drawing this map, or create default axes using :func:`init_sky` when ``None``. return_grid_data : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, return (ax, grid_data) instead of just ax. Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or (ax, grid_data) The axis object used for the plot, and the grid_data if `return_grid_data` is ``True``. """ ra = np.asarray(ra).reshape(-1) dec = np.asarray(dec).reshape(-1) if len(ra) != len(dec): raise ValueError('Arrays ra,dec must have same size.') plot_types = ('grid', 'healpix',) if plot_type not in plot_types: raise ValueError('Invalid plot_type, should be one of {0}.'.format(', '.join(plot_types))) if data is not None and weights is None: weights = np.ones_like(data) if plot_type == 'grid': # Convert the maximum pixel area to steradians. max_bin_area = max_bin_area * (np.pi / 180.) ** 2 # Pick the number of bins in cos(DEC) and RA to use. n_cos_dec = int(np.ceil(2 / np.sqrt(max_bin_area))) n_ra = int(np.ceil(4 * np.pi / max_bin_area / n_cos_dec)) # Calculate the actual pixel area in sq. degrees. bin_area = 360 ** 2 / np.pi / (n_cos_dec * n_ra) if verbose: print('Using {0} x {1} grid in cos(DEC) x RA'.format(n_cos_dec, n_ra), 'with pixel area {:.3f} sq.deg.'.format(bin_area)) # Calculate the bin edges in degrees. # ra_edges = np.linspace(-180., +180., n_ra + 1) ra_edges = np.linspace(0.0, 360.0, n_ra + 1) dec_edges = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.linspace(-1., +1., n_cos_dec + 1))) # Put RA values in the range [-180, 180). # ra = np.fmod(ra, 360.) # ra[ra >= 180.] -= 360. # Histogram the input coordinates. counts, _, _ = np.histogram2d(dec, ra, [dec_edges, ra_edges], weights=weights) if data is None: grid_data = counts / bin_area else: sums, _, _ = np.histogram2d(dec, ra, [dec_edges, ra_edges], weights=weights * data) # This ratio might result in some nan (0/0) or inf (1/0) values, # but these will be masked by prepare_data(). settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') grid_data = sums / counts np.seterr(**settings) grid_data = prepare_data(grid_data, clip_lo=clip_lo, clip_hi=clip_hi) ax = plot_grid_map(grid_data, ra_edges, dec_edges, cmap=cmap, colorbar=colorbar, label=label, ax=ax, **kwargs) elif plot_type == 'healpix': import healpy as hp for n in range(1, 25): nside = 2 ** n bin_area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) if bin_area <= max_bin_area: break npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) nest = False if verbose: print('Using healpix map with NSIDE={0}'.format(nside), 'and pixel area {:.3f} sq.deg.'.format(bin_area)) pixels = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(90 - dec), np.radians(ra), nest) counts = np.bincount(pixels, weights=weights, minlength=npix) if data is None: grid_data = counts / bin_area else: sums = np.bincount(pixels, weights=weights * data, minlength=npix) grid_data = np.zeros_like(sums, dtype=float) nonzero = counts > 0 grid_data[nonzero] = sums[nonzero] / counts[nonzero] grid_data = prepare_data(grid_data, clip_lo=clip_lo, clip_hi=clip_hi) ax = plot_healpix_map(grid_data, nest=nest, cmap=cmap, colorbar=colorbar, label=label, ax=ax, **kwargs) if return_grid_data: return (ax, grid_data) else: return ax
[docs]def plot_iers(which='auto', num_points=500, save=None): """Plot IERS data from 2015-2025. Plots the UT1-UTC time offset and polar x,y motions over a 10-year period that includes the DESI survey, to demonstrate the time ranges when different sources (IERS-A, IERS-B) are used and where values are predicted then fixed. This function is primarily intended to document and debug the :func:`desiutil.iers.freeze_iers` function. Requires that the matplotlib package is installed. Parameters ---------- which : {'auto', 'A', 'B', 'frozen'} Select which IERS table source to use. The default 'auto' matches the internal astropy default. Use 'A' or 'B' to force the source to be either the latest IERS-A table (which will be downloaded), or the IERS-B table packaged with the current version of astropy. The 'frozen' option calls :func:`~desiutil.iers.freeze_iers`. num_points : :class:`int`, optional The number of times covering 2015-25 to calculate and plot. save : :class:`str`, optional Name of file where plot should be saved. Format is inferred from the extension. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` Tuple (figure, axes) returned by ``plt.subplots()``. """ # # These values are copied from the desisurvey config.yaml file. # They may or may not reflect the latest configuration. # # Survey nominally starts on night of this date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. first_day = date(2019, 12, 1) # Survey nominally ends on morning of this date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. last_day = date(2024, 11, 30) # Calculate UTC midnight timestamps covering 2015 - 2025 start = Time('2015-01-01 00:00') stop = Time('2025-01-01 00:00') mjd = np.linspace(start.mjd, stop.mjd, num_points) times = Time(mjd, format='mjd') t_lo = matplotlib.dates.date2num(start.datetime) t_hi = matplotlib.dates.date2num(stop.datetime) t = np.linspace(t_lo, t_hi, num_points) t_start = matplotlib.dates.date2num(first_day) t_stop = matplotlib.dates.date2num(last_day) # Load the specified IERS table. if which == 'auto': iers = elif which == 'B': iers = elif which == 'A': # This requires network access to download the latest file. iers = elif which == 'frozen': freeze_iers() iers = else: raise ValueError('Invalid which option.') # Calculate UT1-UTC using the IERS table. dt, dt_status = iers.ut1_utc(times, return_status=True) dt = # Calculate polar x,y motion using the IERS table. pmx, pmy, pm_status = iers.pm_xy(times, return_status=True) pmx = pmy = assert np.all(dt_status == pm_status) codes = np.unique(dt_status) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 6)) labels = {-2: 'Fixed', 0: 'IERS-B', 1: 'IERS-A', 2: 'Predict'} styles = {-2: 'r:', 0: 'b-', 1: 'go', 2: 'r--'} ms = 3 for code in codes: sel = dt_status == code ax[0].plot(t[sel], dt[sel], styles[code], ms=ms, label=labels[code]) ax[1].plot(t[sel], pmx[sel], styles[code], ms=ms, label='Polar x') ax[1].plot(t[sel], pmy[sel], styles[code], ms=ms, label='Polar y') ax[0].legend(ncol=4) ax[0].set_ylabel('UT1 - UTC [s]') ax[1].set_ylabel('Polar x,y motion [arcsec]') for i in range(2): # Vertical lines showing the survey start / stop dates. ax[i].axvline(t_start, ls='--', c='k') ax[i].axvline(t_stop, ls='--', c='k') # Use year labels for the horizontal axis. xaxis = ax[1].xaxis xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.YearLocator()) xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%Y')) ax[i].set_xlim(start.datetime, stop.datetime) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(save) return fig, ax