Source code for desiutil.setup

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module supplies :command:`desi_update_version`, which simplifies
setting and updating version strings in Python packages.

This module also supports *deprecated* ``python <command>`` actions.

For historical reasons, this module is retains an outdated name ````.
import os
import re
import sys
import unittest
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from setuptools import Command
from setuptools.command.test import test as BaseTest
from pkg_resources import _namespace_packages
from distutils.log import DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
from . import __version__ as desiutilVersion
from .log import log
from .svn import version as svn_version
from .git import version as git_version
from .modules import configure_module, process_module, default_module

[docs]class DesiAPI(Command): """Generate an api.rst file. """ description = "create/update doc/api.rst" user_options = [('api=', 'a', 'Set the name of the API file (default doc/api.rst).'), ('overwrite', 'o', 'Overwrite the existing API file.')] boolean_options = ['overwrite'] _exclude_file = ('',)
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.overwrite = False self.api = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'doc', 'api.rst')
[docs] def finalize_options(self): pass
[docs] def run(self): self.announce("WARNING: This functionality is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of desiutil.", level=WARN) self.announce("WARNING: Use the command-line script desi_api_file instead.", level=WARN) n = self.distribution.metadata.get_name() productroot = find_version_directory(n) modules = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(productroot): if dirpath == productroot: d = '' else: d = dirpath.replace(productroot + '/', '') self.announce(d, level=DEBUG) for f in filenames: mod = [n] if f.endswith('.py') and f not in self._exclude_file and not self._test_file(d, f): if d: mod += d.split('/') if f != '': mod.append(f.replace('.py', '')) modules.append('.'.join(mod)) self.announce('.'.join(mod), level=DEBUG) self._print(n, modules)
def _print(self, name, modules): lines = [] title = "{0} API".format(name) lines = ['='*len(title), title, '='*len(title), ''] for m in sorted(modules): lines += ['.. automodule:: {0}'.format(m), ' :members:', ''] if os.path.exists(self.api): if self.overwrite: self.announce("{0} will be overwritten!".format(self.api), level=WARN) else: self.announce("{0} already exists!".format(self.api), level=ERROR) exit(1) with open(self.api, 'w') as a: a.write('\n'.join(lines)) def _test_file(self, d, f): return os.path.basename(d) == 'test' or os.path.basename(d) == 'tests'
[docs]class DesiModule(Command): """Allow users to install module files with ``python module_file``. """ description = "install a module file for this package" user_options = [('default', 'd', 'Set this version as the default Module file.'), ('modules=', 'm', 'Set the Module install directory.') ] boolean_options = ['default']
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.modules = None self.default = False
[docs] def finalize_options(self): if self.modules is None: try: self.modules = os.path.join('/global/common/software/desi', os.environ['NERSC_HOST'], 'desiconda', 'current', 'modulefiles') except KeyError: try: self.modules = os.path.join(os.environ['DESI_PRODUCT_ROOT'], 'modulefiles') except KeyError: self.announce("Could not determine a Module install directory!", level=ERROR) exit(1)
[docs] def run(self): self.announce("WARNING: This functionality is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of desiutil.", level=WARN) self.announce("WARNING: Use the command-line script desi_module_file instead.", level=WARN) meta = self.distribution.metadata name = meta.get_name() version = meta.get_version() dev = 'dev' in version working_dir = os.path.abspath('.') product_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.modules), 'code') module_keywords = configure_module(name, version, product_root, dev=dev) module_file = os.path.join(working_dir, 'etc', '{0}.module'.format(name)) if os.path.exists(module_file): process_module(module_file, module_keywords, self.modules) else: self.announce("Could not find a Module file: {0}.".format(module_file), level=ERROR) if self.default: default_module(module_keywords, self.modules) return
[docs]class DesiTest(BaseTest, object): """Add coverage to test commands. """ description = "run unit tests after in-place build" user_options = [('test-module=', 'm', "Run 'test_suite' in specified module"), ('test-suite=', 's', "Test suite to run (e.g. 'some_module.test_suite')"), ('test-runner=', 'r', "Test runner to use"), ('coverage', 'c', ('Create a coverage report. ' + 'Requires the coverage package.')) ] boolean_options = ['coverage']
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.coverage = False super(DesiTest, self).initialize_options()
[docs] def finalize_options(self): if self.coverage: try: import coverage except ImportError: self.announce(("--coverage requires that the coverage " + "package is installed, disabling coverage" + "option."), level=WARN) self.coverage = False super(DesiTest, self).finalize_options()
def run_tests(self): # Purge modules under test from sys.modules. The test loader will # re-import them from the build location. Required when 2to3 is used # with namespace packages. self.announce("WARNING: This functionality is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of desiutil.", level=WARN) self.announce("WARNING: Use pytest or pytest --cov (for test coverage) instead.", level=WARN) if getattr(self.distribution, 'use_2to3', False): module = self.test_args[-1].split('.')[0] if module in _namespace_packages: del_modules = [] if module in sys.modules: del_modules.append(module) module += '.' for name in sys.modules: if name.startswith(module): del_modules.append(name) list(map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules)) if self.coverage: self.announce("Coverage selected!", level=INFO) import coverage cov = coverage.coverage(data_file=os.path.abspath(".coverage"), config_file=os.path.abspath(".coveragerc")) cov.start() result = unittest.main(None, None, ([unittest.__file__] + self.test_args), testLoader=self._resolve_as_ep(self.test_loader), testRunner=self._resolve_as_ep(self.test_runner), exit=False) if result.result.wasSuccessful(): if self.coverage: cov.stop() self.announce('Saving coverage data in .coverage...', level=INFO) self.announce('Saving HTML coverage report in htmlcov...', level=INFO) cov.html_report(directory=os.path.abspath('htmlcov')) else: exit(1)
[docs]class DesiVersion(Command): """Allow users to easily update the package version with ``python version``. """ description = "update from git repo" user_options = [('tag=', 't', 'Set the version to a name in preparation for tagging.'), ] boolean_options = []
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.tag = None
[docs] def finalize_options(self): pass
[docs] def run(self): self.announce("WARNING: This functionality is deprecated and will be removed from a future version of desiutil.", level=WARN) self.announce("WARNING: Use the command-line script desi_update_version instead.", level=WARN) meta = self.distribution.metadata update_version(meta.get_name(), tag=self.tag) ver = get_version(meta.get_name()) self.announce("Version is now {}.".format(ver), level=INFO)
[docs]def find_version_directory(productname): """Return the name of a directory containing version information. Looks for files in the following places: * py/`productname`/ * `productname`/ Parameters ---------- productname : :class:`str` The name of the package. Returns ------- :class:`str` Name of a directory that can or does contain version information. Raises ------ IOError If no valid directory can be found. """ setup_dir = os.path.abspath('.') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(setup_dir, 'py', productname)): version_dir = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'py', productname) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(setup_dir, productname)): version_dir = os.path.join(setup_dir, productname) else: raise IOError("Could not find a directory containing version information!") return version_dir
[docs]def get_version(productname): """Get the value of ``__version__`` without having to import the module. Parameters ---------- productname : :class:`str` The name of the package. Returns ------- :class:`str` The value of ``__version__``. """ ver = 'unknown' try: version_dir = find_version_directory(productname) except IOError: return ver version_file = os.path.join(version_dir, '') if not os.path.isfile(version_file): update_version(productname) with open(version_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): mo = re.match("__version__ = '(.*)'", line) if mo: ver = return ver
[docs]def update_version(productname, tag=None): """Update the file. Parameters ---------- productname : :class:`str` The name of the package. tag : :class:`str`, optional Set the version to this string, unconditionally. Raises ------ IOError If the repository type could not be determined. """ version_dir = find_version_directory(productname) if tag is not None: ver = tag else: if os.path.isdir(".svn"): ver = svn_version(productname) elif os.path.isdir(".git"): ver = git_version() else: raise IOError("Could not determine repository type.") version_file = os.path.join(version_dir, '') with open(version_file, "w") as f: f.write("__version__ = '{}'\n".format(ver)) return
[docs]def main(): """Entry-point for command-line scripts. Returns ------- :class:`int` An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description="Update a package version string.", prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', dest='tag', help='Set the version to a name in preparation for tagging.') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + desiutilVersion) parser.add_argument('product', help='Name of product.') options = parser.parse_args() update_version(options.product, tag=options.tag) ver = get_version(options.product)"Version is now %s.", ver) return 0